Support Unit
At Heathcote High School, all students with a disability are provided with the same opportunities as other students. Students are provided with maximum flexibility to meet their academic and emotional needs in order to achieve to their best ability.
This can be achieved in a number of ways
- Student attends mainstream classes alone
- Student attends mainstream classes with a Learning Support Teacher or School Learning Support
Officer (SLSO) - Student attends mainstream a classes but follows a Life Skills/individual program of study
- Student attends support classes and follows a mainstream program of study
- Student attends support classes and follows a Life Skills/individual program of study
- Student follows a combination of the above
Support unit teachers and SLSOs have high expectations for all students. Students are assisted to reach their full academic potential through the delivery of quality programs of work. Support teachers work collaboratively with mainstream teachers to make the necessary differentiation to allow all students access to the curriculum.
Students are expected to behave in an appropriate manner by developing self-management and social skills. This is achieved by providing social skills and behaviour management sessions as part of the Community Access program, Assistance Dogs Australia program (where they learn to become dog trainers) and other valuable experiences and excursions.
School Learning Support Officers (SLSOs)
The SLSOs plays a vital role in supporting our students in the support unit, across the mainstream class setting and in the playground. They work in collaboration with the support and/or mainstream class teacher, supporting students individually or in a small group. They are a great source of information and provide support to all students.